How to invite your team


Last Update 2 jaar geleden

To invite your team to join your agency on FieldWorker, you'll need to be an admin. The admin will usually be whoever sets up FieldWorker for an agency to begin with.

Where to add team members

Once you've logged into FieldWorker, click on the name of your agency in the top left-hand corner.

You'll see several options from here in a drop-down menu. Under "Team", you'll be able to see your team members as well as invite new team members and invite roles.

Alternatively, you can go to "New" in the sidebar, and then select "Employees" and add employees via this interface.

Make sure you enter their email addresses correctly – this is where we'll send their welcome email and credentials!

Tell your team to check their email!

Once you've added a team member, they'll receive a welcome email from FieldWorker together with their credentials. They should click on the link from this email and use these credentials to set up their account.

Important! Your team shouldn't go ahead and create their own accounts before you invite them! They'll need to accept your invite, otherwise their account won't be linked with your agency!

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