
Eliminate billing errors and speed up the billing cycle – and get paid faster every time.


Last Update kaksi vuotta sitten

Billing can become a labour-intensive process. Tracking down the relevant documentation, figuring out the amount of time spent on visits and other activities, spotting errors – no wonder three quarters of bills contain errors.

FieldWorker is a centralized hub for all your records with simple time tracking to ensure accurate billing

Track time with ease

Whether you're in the office or the field, on a computer, tablet or cellphone, FieldWorker has made it simple to accurately track your time wherever you are. Simply check in and out for any activity to clock in exactly the right number of hours.

Automated quality controls

FieldWorker contains all of your records and documentation in one easy-to-access place. You'll have the information you need for billing at your fingertips – and thanks to precise tracking, you can rely on the fact that it's up-to-date and correct.

Goodbye billing errors, hello faster payments

By ensuring your data is accurate, you can be confident that your bills are correct. That means less back-and-forth between you, clients and insurers, and an overall faster payment cycle. Less time wasted, faster payments – it's a win-win!

Everything for Billing in One Place

Intuitive and accurate time tracking for visits and other activities, ensuring the accuracy of your bills.

Automated quality controls to ensure all bills contain the necessary info.

All the information you need for billing in one place – from time to client history and insurance details.

In-platform expense management and approval.

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