Who are the founders of FieldWorker?


Last Update 3 jaar geleden

Prabhat Vaish and Rohit Mathur are the founders of FieldWorker, realising their vision for a platform that aims to empower those working in social care.

Rohit has a background in computer science originally, and worked for a variety of large corporations – including IBM, Citi and Merrill Lynch – building large-scale tech platforms. He has also been an entrepreneur in the past, having built and successfully scaled a technology company, so he has experience with both corporate and startup spaces.

Prabhat has a similar background to Rohit, with the difference that he spent 10 years working for the federal government in India before coming to the US, which means he has experience working with government-funded projects.

You can read more about Rohit and Prabhat and why they decided to start FieldWorker here.

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