Case Management with FieldWorker

For agencies working in Guardianship and Case Management


Last Update setahun yang lalu

Case management in Fieldworker will be supported using the following company structure:


Case Manager

The health and human services professional responsible for coordinating the overall care delivered to an individual client or a group of clients, based on the client’s health or human services issues, needs, and interests.

Customers with at least one or more projects, generally tied up with a specific payer

The recipient of case management as well as health and human services. “This individual can be a patient, beneficiary, injured worker, claimant, enrollee, member, college student, resident, or health care consumer of any age group. In addition, [use of] the term client may also infer the inclusion of the client’s support [system]” (CMSA, 2016, p. 32).


The person or persons identified by each individual client to be directly or indirectly involved in the client’s care. It “may include biological relatives [family members], a spouse, a partner, friends, neighbors, colleagues, a health care proxy, or any individual who supports the client [caregivers, volunteers, and clergy or spiritual advisors]” (CMSA, 2016, p. 32).

A company engaged in case management or other related areas such as Guardianship will identify itself as ‘Case Management’ line of business.

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