Getting Started – For Managers


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Let's get you properly set up on FieldWorker. We've designed the system to be intuitive and simple to use, and here is an overview of how it'll all look the first time you sign up and log in. 

Setting up your account

First thing’s first, let’s sign up! You should receive an invitation to use FieldWorker by email. To keep the platform secure and HIPAA-compliant, we send you unique credentials to access FieldWorker, managed through Microsoft. So, in this invitation email, you’ll be able to see your credentials. It’s important to make sure you use these rather than your own email address to access your FieldWorker account.

Haven't received an email yet? Ask your agency administrator to add you to the platform, ensuring they enter your work email address correctly.

The first time you log in, we recommend copying and pasting your credentials from the invitation email. You'll then be prompted to change your password – make sure to pick something secure but memorable, and unique to your FieldWorker account!

After this, you'll be asked for more information. This is necessary to set up “2 Factor Authentication”, which refers to a process by which you'll need two key bits of information to access your account. The first is your username and password. Here, you'll set up the second.

There are different options here – you can add a phone number or email address to receive codes for logging in, or alternatively set up personal security questions to access your account which only you’ll know the answers to – such as what was the name of the first street you lived on.

We recommend setting up all of these if possible, as these will be used to secure your account if you forget your password.

Once you've completed these steps, you'll be able to access your account! Log in any time by visiting

Your first time logging in

When you first log in to FieldWorker, you'll arrive at the dashboard or “Home” section.

To get to know how to use the different features, we've implemented guided tours. Take these at any time by clicking on the “Tours” button, and you'll also be able to see which ones you’ve already taken. If you close these, you'll still be able to access them whenever you need.

On the left, you have the navigation bar with sections including projects, contacts and new. Under each, you’ll be able to set up clients and projects and more.

For now, let’s focus on the dashboard. Here, you can see your upcoming appointments with locations and times. You can also check in to your visits here – as required for EVV. Of course, you can also edit and cancel your appointment from here too. If it’s a phone call rather than a visit, you'll have the ability to start your call, in which case your start and end time will be automatically captured.

With the calendar, you can view a monthly view or daily which will show a list of your tasks for the given day.

Then you have the timesheet entries by week – you can click on each day to see the timesheet entries for each specific day. There are two ways of creating timesheet entries.

Firstly, you can directly create an entry here. Just click on the plus icon in the upper left-hand corner and it’ll add an entry, which you can then edit directly within this part of the dashboard. You just need to enter a description, select which project the entry relates to, and when you started and ended the task

Alternatively, entries are created automatically when you check-in and out of tasks, for example, when you arrive and leave a visit with one of your clients. This helps ensure your timesheet entries are extremely accurate and quick to create and update – and further down the line helps ensure your billing information is also accurate.

Cases, projects and tasks

Let’s take a look at Projects. Projects are intended to be a single source of information for each of your clients and tasks.

We see each project as aligning with an Individual Service Plan (or ISP) for one of your clients, as defined by your state – and depending on your state, these typically last for a year.

Firstly, you can see active and past projects. Past projects give you an overview of any projects that have come to an end.

If you have a lot of projects, there’s a search bar so you can find what you're looking for.

When you've found the project you need, click on it and you'll see the information open on the right-hand side of the screen.

This includes information about the project itself, such as the start and end date and location, in addition to information about your client and their contact details.

You can edit any of this information flexibly here by clicking on the edit icon.

Additionally, you can view all tasks associated with each project, including an overview of their current status and the total amount of time spent on these tasks. As with the general project information, you can flexibly edit the task information here as well, which might include changing the due date, the person it is assigned to, and add any comments or updates.

Under “employees”, you can see all the people who are currently working on a project. You can add employees here – and when doing this, you'll need to add their employment status and payment rates, which will help further down the line with your billing process.

Under artefacts, you can view any artefacts – or documents – related to this project. These documents can be uploaded flexibly from the mobile app at any time.

Under comments, you have an overview of all comments made on the project or task. This helps you keep track of all information related to each ISP. You can add comments on mobile with the FieldWorker app, and here you have the option to use voice-to-text technology to dictate your comments.

Finally, contacts include any people related to the individual for whom the project has been set up. This could for example include relatives or friends in their support network who you might at some point want to contact for updates on your client. Each contact is associated with a customer.

Navigating the sidebar

Note that for the sidebar, you may not see all features shown depending on your level of access. Let's take a look at some of the sections.

Under contacts, you can view all contacts within your agency. This includes information such as their address, when you first and last contacted them, and whether they are currently still active as a contact or not. You can add new contacts, edit details, and remove outdated contacts here too.

Next, we have Locate. It’s similar to EVV, but with the difference that for managers and admins, you can see an overview of the last known check-in locations for your team.

Now, New is the control centre, where you can create new tasks, projects, contacts, customers, employees and more.

Let’s take a quick look through the various sections here.

Under “Task”, you can add new tasks and assign these to various people in your team. You can add all of the required information here, including what the task is, by when it needs to be done, and which project – or ISP – it relates to. Once you've added a task, you will be able to edit the information as needed, including adding comments and posting updates as it is worked on.

Under “Projects”, you can upload higher-level projects, which typically align with the Individual Service plan for one of your clients and usually last for a year depending on your state.

Here, you add all the necessary information, including contact details for the individual the project relates to and details for their support network and other service providers if need be.

Once a project is set up, you'll be able to post updates in addition to important documents related to the project in question, ensuring you have all the key information in one place.

Under “Contact”, you can add contact details for individuals within your clients’ support networks, such as family members or close friends who you may need to contact for updates on your client. For each contact, you can add a phone number, email address and other details, in addition to marking them as active or inactive depending on their current status. Each contact is then associated with a customer – or client.

Under “Customer”, you can add all the necessary information for each of your clients, including their key contact details and address information, so that your team members working with them have all the necessary details.

In “Location”, you can add any important location details, for example, any location where your team may need to check-in for visits.

“Record Activity” is another place you and your team can update any time spent on visits or specific tasks. You’ll be able to record progress towards any tasks here, which will automatically create an entry in your timesheet.


Under Timesheets, you have the most detailed view of your personal or your team's time entries.

Here, you can see an overview of how a specific employee is spending their time through searching and filtering, in addition to how overtime is being spent.

You can also flexibly create and edit time entries here to ensure your records are accurate.

The different user roles

On FieldWorker, there are 3 kinds of users – or put differently, you can have one of three roles: admin, manager or employee.

There will usually only be one admin user, who will typically be the owner of the agency. They have the broadest overview in addition to the ability to send invites to team members to join the team and high-level metrics to help gauge the overall health of the business.

Managers and employees – also known as “fieldworkers” (hence the inspiration for the name of our platform!) – have similar features throughout. The difference is that managers will have a broader scope of access and be able to see information for employees across the teams they are responsible for, whereas employees will only be able to see their own direct or assigned information.

Only admins are able to change roles, so if you need more than manager access, please contact your administrator.

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