How to add clients


Last Update vor einem Jahr

Admin users have the ability to add clients to FieldWorker. Here's how:

Go to "New" in the sidebar

This is the control center of FieldWorker, where you can add just about anything you need, from clients and contacts to projects and employees.

To add clients, choose "Customer"

Fill in the client's personal details

Fill out the information in the form. This includes the name, phone number and address of your client.

There's also a field for the client's unique ID as assigned to them by the DDD.

Here, you'll also see you have the option to add a client who is a company in addition to an individual.

Enter other relevant details

In the "Other Details" tab, you'll have the option to enter other important information, including the date you began working with this client, their current status (i.e. are they currently an "Active" client?), and who their related project manager is – that is who on your team is principally responsible for working with them.

Create customer!

Then, click on "Create customer", and your client will be saved to the database.

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