Customizing your Reports view


Last Update 1 ปีที่แล้ว

Across each table in your reports, you have access to a couple of different settings across the top of each:

Columns lets you hide or show different columns to give you a way to view the most relevant information. When you specific column to view, this setting will carry through into the other tables you view.

Filters give you a quick way to filter through your data and find exactly what you’re looking for without needing to scroll.

Density changes the look of the columns by altering the width, allowing you to display more or less information without needing to scroll depending on your preferences.

Export lets you either export the report you’re currently on to a spreadsheet as a CSV file, or to PDF, ready to print.

Finally, Save View lets you save your current view preferences, so that your reports will be loaded with the same preferences automatically set next time you come to look at your Reports.

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