What happens when your free trial ends?


Last Update a year ago

Your 2-Week Trial Period

When you sign up for a free trial, you'll have 2 weeks (14 days!) to try out FieldWorker.

During that time, we recommend checking out this Getting Started section to get set up quickly and start seeing the benefits of FieldWorker.

Once the 2-week period is over, our team will send you an email with details related to a plan based on your usage and instructions on how to pay in order to continue using FieldWorker.

We are also happy to discuss any other requirements you and your team have and put together a custom plan for you!

What if you have questions after your free trial?

If you have any questions at all or ran out of time in your free trial to try out a specific feature you're interested in, let our team know and they'll be happy to chat with you and provide answers!

You can let us know at any time before your free trial expires by emailing us at [email protected]

What if you decide not to continue with FieldWorker?

If you decide not to continue with FieldWorker after your free trial, we're sorry it didn't meet your expectations! Let your dedicated support specialist know and we welcome any feedback you have to help us improve!

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