Sign up options for MT and Billing


Last Update 1 ปีที่แล้ว

When you sign up for FieldWorker, you’ll have access to a range of functionalities as standard, including timesheets, EVV capability, task delegation and more.

For support coordination agencies based in New Jersey, you’ll have access to our Monitoring Tool features as standard. Your pricing plan will be based on a combination of your number of FieldWorker users and the number of MTs per month.

That means your team will be able to complete monthly and quarterly Monitoring Tools for clients directly within FieldWorker. There’s no need to sign up for anything extra for access to this – get in touch if you need any help onboarding your team into how it works with FieldWorker!

FieldWorker also supports Billing as an independent module. You can sign up solely for Billing with FieldWorker if you don’t currently plan to use other features such as client information management or MTs, or alternatively, you can sign up for Billing as an addition to your base plan giving you access to all other features. If you would like access to Billing in either case, please contact our team to let us know.

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